Home is where your Heart is! Celebrate your HOME with a BlueWork pillow…..you can choose to finish as a Table Mat or Wall Hanging, too. A simple cottage with a picket fence, bird house, flowering tree and flowers plus a cute little Quilt Block Banner over the door to welcome friends and family. The 2 fabric sashing borders frame your Embroidered Home so effectively and Quick-toStitch and finish your design. A charming House Pillow to tuck in a favorite spot in your home!
A charming RedWork Garden to enjoy ALL year long in your Home. Embroider a long Table Runner and a Wall Hanging or smaller Table Topper. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped
A Colorful Pair of handy and useful towels for your summer kitchen. A quick visit to your own “Farmer’s Market” with Perfect fruits and veggies! This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be shipped
A charming RedWork Garden to enjoy ALL year long in your Home. Embroider a long Table Runner and a Wall Hanging or smaller Table Topper. This Hand Embroidery Pattern will be Shipped