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Wool Clearance - 25% Off

After over a decade of offering beautiful felted wool, we've made the decision to discontinue wool. 

Now is the opportunity to stock up on wool for your projects and refresh your supply.

Alternatively, consider purchasing a complete kit for an enjoyable holiday project.

For the best selection, we recommend shopping early

Our wool is 13 oz. per yard, 100% virgin wool.
We have Felted all the wool for you so it is ready to use when you receive it.
We wash ALL our Wool in hot water in the washing machine and dry in a hot dryer to
Felt (shrink) the wool fibers so it will not fray when you applique.

Because the Wool is Felted, "normal, traditional" measurements are altered:
1 yard = 32" x approximately 50" = $42 $31.50
1/2 yard = 16" x approximately 50" = $22 $16.50
Fat quarter = 16" x approximately 23" = $14 $10.50
Fat eighth = 16" x approximately 12" = $10 $7.50
8" x 8" Square = $4 $3.00