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    Freebie - A is for Apple

    A Freebie tea towel designs with a "back-to-school" apple.
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    A FREE design for you to print out and stitch.  Our bright and shiny apple is just right for September and the opening of school.  The ABC's add an old time note of days gone by for many of us!  Stitch your apple on a Dunroven House tea towel with a creamy natural background and pretty Provencal Blue stripes all around.  The 5 shades of #8 Perle cotton from DMC complement the pretty blue stripe.

    Tea towel is a generous 20" x 28".

    Keep your Perle Cotton balls safe in our fun "Bubbles" in your embroidery basket.  Perle cotton colors used: 311 Blue, 1915 Turkey Red, 780 Brown, 783 Gold, 3346 Green

    Handy Hint: thread a crewel needle with each of the Perle cotton colors to speed your embroidery.

     How to Download:

    Please add the Downloadable Design – including any Free Downloadable Designs – to your cart and checkout.  After checkout, you will receive two emails, the first confirming your order and the second with your Downloadable Designs marked with a Blue Download.  Click on the blue “Download” hyperlink to retrieve your patterns.,  You can then save or print using your computer.

    BONUS:  If you are a registered customer, the Designs will also be available in your Account under “My Downloadables”.


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    Freebie - A is for Apple Free Downloadable Design
    SKU: 406-Downloadable Design
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