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Posy Pin Cushions

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3 Pretty Wool Applique Flowers Atop a Stuffed Pin Cushion.
1Types Available

Three Oversized and Colorful Flowers are Wool Appliqued on a Textured wool Background.  Each of the Appliqued Flowers have their Petals Raised above the Pin Cushion base.  This adds a Unique and Interesting look to your Wool Creation. 

Fill your pin cushions with a combination of wool fleece or pillow filling around the outer edge and fill the centers with crushed walnut shells to add satisfying weight (found at pet stores or feed stores).

Make your wool pattern templates with our Freezer Paper - QUICK & EASY - see the example photo above.

Keep your Perle Cotton balls safe in our fun "Bubbles" in your sewing basket.  DMC colors used: 333 Dark Lavender, 783 Gold, 937 Olive, 938 Dark Brown, 3688 Rose.

Handy Hint:  thread a Perle Cotton Needle with each of the Perle Cotton colors to speed up your Wool Applique.

Pin cushions are 6" x 6" each.


Picture of Posy Pin Cushions Pattern
Posy Pin Cushions Pattern
SKU: 203
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